Горыныч 2013 Плазма. UpGrade Блока питания и управления (БПУ)


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  1. yo creo q es muy presido al de ljdh y han hecho mal en poner dibujo en la portada y no es por nada pero una amiga mía selo ha leído y por lo que he visto m recuerda a gale y a sus hermanos y han dicho no se si es 100% seguro pero alomejor suzanne collins hace un libro sobre los tributos pero no se ojalaaaa o un libro sobre finnik eso si q me lo lerenaaites la 1º

  2. You are such a talented artist Thomas, and an amazing person who gives your time to charities around Martin county. The pictures of the brown water is horrifying. Thanks for capturing it in a way that no words can describe. How do we make it stop!?

  3. If Obama could appoint H. Clinton as Secretary of State after so much campaign blood on the walls, then there’s just as good a chance of Gillard giving Rudd the same role here. After all her sycophantic coo-ing to the US ambassador last Thursday, all a-flutter over THAT phone call, then she’s obviously enough of an Uncle Sam junkie to emulate the great man’s tactics.Otherwise, I couldn’t care less what she does with Rudd. She’s done more than enough already.

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